Publié le 22 juil. 2021
First presented at the Spring 2015 euroCRIS Membership Meeting hosted by Amue in Paris, as a planned IT solution for French universities and research centres, Caplab is now ready to deliver to the ESR Community in both English and French.
The euroCRIS webinar that took place on June 22 gathered colleagues from all over Europe and gave Amue the opportunity to present the application dedicated to research labs & units activities, projects and outputs which is currently piloted at a number of research-performing organisations in France.
The webinar adressed Caplab features – including system interoperability – and goals, its development and implementation process and the plans for its gradual rollout across French research institutions.
The webinar was delivered by Carine Bougnague, Institutional Relations Officer, Pascal Perotin, Caplab Head & Bertrand Mocquet, Digital Expert at AMUE and chaired by euroCRIS Board member Joachim Schopfel at the University of Lille, France.

Télécharger la présentation en cliquant ici
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